1937-1938 Season

4 Wins - 14 Losses
1 Win - 11 Losses - League Record

   Although we can never attain perfection, we are stronger for the effort. Mr. Dimmerling is putting forth every effort in his basketball coaching duties. He is not a quitter. We admire his determination and are certain that he shall attain his full measure of triumph. He certainly is deserving of it.

   The 1937-1938 team had a record of 4 wins and 14 losses for the season. The following were players on this year squad: Frank Madara, Joe Sage, James Taylor, Charles Knell all were forwards on the team. Russell Bevan and John Gorman who were the centers on the team, Paul Dimmerling, Henry Stoner, Walter Thomas and Francis Rehnert all were the guards on the team.


Pottsville Crimson Tide   28

Penn State Center   18

Pottsville Crimson Tide   21

Easton   40

Pottsville Crimson Tide   31

Blythe   18

Pottsville Crimson Tide   24

Bethlehem   48

Pottsville Crimson Tide   21

Tamaqua   22

Pottsville Crimson Tide   55

Reading   23

Pottsville Crimson Tide   24

Hazleton   32

Pottsville Crimson Tide   24

Freeland   37

Pottsville Crimson Tide   28

Mahanoy City   35

Pottsville Crimson Tide   33

Allentown   44

Pottsville Crimson Tide   41

Easton   28

Pottsville Crimson Tide   14

Bethlehem   25

Pottsville Crimson Tide   15

Tamaqua   36

Pottsville Crimson Tide   21

Freeland   42

Pottsville Crimson Tide   27

Hazleton   35

Pottsville Crimson Tide   24

Mahanoy City   36

Pottsville Crimson Tide   17

Allentown   19

Pottsville Crimson Tide   20

Coal Township   46


1937-1938 Season   4 Wins - 14 Losses