1960-1961 Season

9 Wins - 13 Losses



   Coach "Larry" Haberle in his second year as Varsity coach of the Crimson Tide basketball team, produced an exceptionally fine team, with clever ball-handling, accurate shooting, and general all-around playing ability. They finished the season with nine victories and thirteen losses, which included wins over Hazleton and Dieruff in the strong East Penn League. We sincerely hope that this is the beginning of a new era of basketball at Pottsville high School. This year, six seniors, Jim Steidle, John Grazis, Ed Hoffman, Dick Richter, Dick Yuengling, and John Condrack, will gradute. With Jim Sttausser, George Garrett, Eddy Weisacosky, and Bob Schuettler returning, Coach Haberle should look forward to great things next year.

   John Smith, the Junior Varsity coach turned in a commendale performance in making a well-fundamentalized team out of his JV squad. We are confident that, in the future, his aid will be of great significance here at Pottsville High School.


Pottsville Crimson Tide   63

Pine Grove   57

Pottsville Crimson Tide   61

Blue Mountain   50

Pottsville Crimson Tide   67

Lebanon   59

Pottsville Crimson Tide   66

Pine Grove   58

Pottsville Crimson Tide   51

Mahanoy Area   66

Pottsville Crimson Tide   65

Blue Mountain   56

Pottsville Crimson Tide   82

Mahanoy Area   72

Pottsville Crimson Tide   66

Dieruff   82

Pottsville Crimson Tide   49

Allentown Central Catholic   69

Pottsville Crimson Tide   58

Hazleton   56

Pottsville Crimson Tide   52

Shamokin   72

Pottsville Crimson Tide   90

Easton   96

Pottsville Crimson Tide   55

Bethlehem   83

Pottsville Crimson Tide   62

William Allen   68

Pottsville Crimson Tide   52

Shamokin   63

Pottsville Crimson Tide   58

Dieruff   48

Pottsville Crimson Tide   79

Hazleton   62

Pottsville Crimson Tide   64

Williamsport   84

Pottsville Crimson Tide   77

Easton   78

Pottsville Crimson Tide   64

Bethlehem   99

Pottsville Crimson Tide   54

William Allen   66

Pottsville Crimson Tide   75

Allentown Central Catholic   81

Pottsville Crimson Tide   58

Old Timers   42



1960-1961   9 Wins - 13 Losses